Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Upper classmen trip........sigh

Welcome to my view of the upperclassmen trip! On this little excursion we took a trip to a different part of Florida, this year it was Tampa, and we go to national parks and such. So after the first day, drove and got situated, we woke up at a whooping 6:00 AM, at breakfast and we departed to....the Parks! so at the Soto national park and it was a BLAST! we got to see Manta Rays in the water however, I had a nice little scooby doo type of chase with one of them causing me to run out of the water...screaming.....after that we got on the bus and I got attacked by some mousse by my lovely mentor Laura because I messed with her while she was sleeping but seriously who would'nt mess with her while she is asleep.after the ride from the park we journeyed to the Soto National Park which was a stuggle. After the wal around the park we had to watch a very interesting movie on the native indians from around that area but I was too sleepy so it took all my energy in my body to actually survive during it. On the ride back we saw a interesting movie, I cant repeat the name but I will say it was very vaulger and offensive, and got to the hotel to do work and play some more.......well see you guys later I gotta go jump in the pool see ya!


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