Friday, July 26, 2013


On Friday we went on a field trip to John Pennekamp. This in my opinion is the second most anticipated trip of the summer. It's definitely one of the most memorable. I say this because it's the only snorkeling we do with all four classes at once (freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors).
To clear things up, John Pennekamp is a park where you can go snorkeling, kayaking, and on boat rides. It also has a beach. When we went we were taken to snorkel around and see The Christ of The Abyss. This is an 8 1/2 foot 4,000 pound sculpture of Jesus in 25ft deep water. It's AWESOME!! If you like you can even dive down and touch the hands of the sculpture.
When we got to Pennekamp we all got our rental gear and got on the boat to our destination.
On the way to the site we're told about all the safety and emergency procedures and such, and what to do if you feel the need to puke (Yuck!). Once there we all got our gear on, buddied up, and jumped in. Again, it was awesomness... even though one of my buddies kept getting lost *cough cough*. Anyways, we all had fun, I didn't touch the statue this year but I did have fish following me and such. All I have left to say is awesomesauce :)

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