Yummy for the Tummy
Being a part of the Miami Science Museum Upward Bound Program means that we cooperate as a family. When one falls we all fall. If one is in trouble then we all are in trouble. That is our model; and this week we had the privilege, well the senior class, to participate in a potluck. A potluck is a gathering of people where each person or group of people may contribute a dish of food prepared by the person or the group of people, to be shared among the group. We planned this diligently so we can make this an enjoyable event. We brought dishes from our culture so that we all can get a taste of each of our backgrounds. Though we are a family we all know we come from different cultures and background and this potluck allowed us to receive a taste of that. The morning of the potluck it was a little difficult finding an exact location. Each beach had its own pros and cons but finally we decided on Virginia Key Beach in Key Biscayne, Florida. Once we unloaded the bus we set out to work. We established an enclosed area where we would set all the food out like a picnic table; sort of a buffet style table. Our mentors Laura and Amanda then decided to start a fire to keep all the flies and bugs away. This was also beneficial because we were able to reheat the food. Once the food was heated and our table was decorated with the delicious food brought by the seniors we made a line to start serving the food. Our servers, Laura, Rithly, Me (Elizabeth), made sure the plates were filled with food. We had a variety of food. From homemade BBQ chicken to Publix’s fried chicken. We also had roasted potatoes that Nicole brought, Mushroom rice that I brought, Chips and Dip that Rithly brought, Pastalito’s that Anthony Brought, Baked Beans and Veggie Salad that Amanda the student brought, and Laura with her great tasting Empanada’s and much more. It was truly a buffet. We also had our mentor Amanda bring some vegan brownies that had some interesting ingredients to substitute milk and eggs; But in all it was pretty good. It was truly time to crack jokes and have lots of fun. One of the funniest things done at the time of the potluck was when we realize the lack of spoons to serve. So our mentor Laura thought of this brilliant idea to stick to plastic spoons together with aluminum foil and mold it into a spoon. Lol. It was indeed a struggle spoon; but it was our struggle spoon and I wouldn’t have it any other way. After our feast we all congregated to the water were we gone deeper than we usually do. We were so far out that me, the tallest person in our class, barely could stand on my tip toes; but it was so much fun. Amanda brought her daughters float device board thing (lol) and made rithly and mystic float on it. In the water we splashed, laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Our day was truly successful; and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. This being our last year has opened our eyes to show that we’ve been on this journey for four years now. And through all the hard aches and struggles and situations and ups and downs and good times and bad times to even horrible times we have stuck together to come down to this moment. We’re seniors. We’ve been through it all and it has been a much enjoyable ride! -Liz
Going in!!! |
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