Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Reporting Live From Tampa

Hey Guys! Its me again and like I said last week I was going to Tampa. Well I’m here! Today is our second day here and we are having a blast. Yesterday on the way up to Tampa we went to MOSI. MOSI is the Museum of Science and Industry, its not like most museums. Its really cool. At MOSI we got to watch a IMAX movie about butterflies. I learned a lot about Monarch butterflies that I didn’t know before. Monarch’s have a very hard life. Its a struggle for them to be born yet alone survive and have babies of their own. After visiting MOSI we checked in at the hotel. Then my friends and I got dolled up to go out to dinner at Golden Coral. Today we took a trip to Desto Beach. There we chilled and had free beach time. Some of my fellow peers even seen a sting ray. Meanwhile the poor Juniors were doing work, that “Senior Status” was finally kicking in. After that we went to Desto Preserve. At the Desto Preserve we learned a lot about Hernando Desto. He was a conquistador from Spain that came to Florida looking for gold. He didn’t accomplish anything! The native americans weren’t giving up ther land that easily. The native amearcians fought until the end, literally! Many of them were killed by Desto and his men. 

                                                                                                                     - Mystic 

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