Monday, July 29, 2013

Density lab....Colorful liquids man

So its the second to last week and every thing is going pretty smooth. On Tuesday we had a speaker by the name of  Lisa Pitman and she was a middle school teacher that has taught in Miami-Dade for 12 years and such. Even though she is a teacher she volunteers to the University of Miami whenever she can, which is a lot of time on her hands, and she talked to us as if we were some kids but in my opinion it is nice to be treated like a child you know like you don't have to think about world hunger or like which clothes will I wear that day. Back on topic, Ms.Barbara took us to the wet lab and she gave us this very simple brake down of density and told us we were going to do a lab on it. The lab was very simple, I mean a third grader could do it and not mess it up, all we had to do was pour some liquids into a Beaker and stack the liquids  on top of each other by pouring them slowly into the beaker. The liquids we used were, in order from top to bottom, alcohol, baby oil, corn oil, alcohol, water, dawn soap, Karo corn syrup and honey. It was a very colorful lab and very interesting. Later on in the day we simply worked on projects and went home so that day was very......dense haha see what I did there.....ahhh whatever.

                                                                                                                                       -Raymond Pache


  1. Colorful! It was colorful. Too bad we didn't get to eat some honey.

  2. xD I believe the fun part was when it was done, even though my group one was overflowing.
