Monday, July 15, 2013

Impact+ Tampa= Randomness

 After a four day long trip to Tampa with the program, I learned three things:
1. Not to trust Anthony,
2. Mike needs some help with finding bus safe areas
3. Nicole always finds a way to look weird

Let’s go in order by which lesson I learned first and that would be Mike with the bus situation. It was the third day of our four day trip and I wasn’t all too sure about our stop. Mostly, because from the very beginning of the trip we weren’t all too clear about what were the plans for the days. But it was all good and sometimes it worked out. Yet, back to the story. We were heading to our nature walk area place thingy and the bus driver kind of passes the entrance. This is where things mess up. The bus drove up to this round road with a puddle grass cover area which didn’t look like a puddle. So the bus tried to drive on this round road. Picture it, a big coach bus, narrow round road and a puddle acting as a grass area. All equals death or at least a stuck bus. And that what happened. After some failed tries of getting the bus out, with leaning to one side of the bus and some crazy ideas of pushing the bus out, we gave up and walked to the area building for the nature walk, just leaving the bus and its driver, all alone in the Florida Heat.

This led us to the not trusting Anthony part. After resting a bit, we headed off to our nature walk without much help but just a map and bad directions. We all broke into groups and my group consisted of Marckenson, Aminah, Raymond, Leandra, Me, Nicole, and of course Anthony. After a few minutes of Raymond’s bad map-reading skills and hopeless walking, we were kind of lost. This is when the son of evil Anothony, thought it would be funny to pick up a branch and toss it into a bush. Funny for him but it scared us. So much that we all jumped and Marckenson clung onto Raymond...such a manly move. After some anger and getting even more lost, we started to head back. This is when Anthony scared us again by hiding in a bush and jumping out. He scared me half to death and for a small second, I was going to hurt him. When you add in the silly string prank (earlier shenanigans), I learned not to trust Anthony and to keep a close eye on him. Later, near room check time, which is when the mentors check if we are in our room by lock in, Nicole always finds a way to look funny. Think of an old lady getting ready to go to bed and that is Nicole. From wearing a shower cap and face mask to brushing her teeth with a cap on and fuzzy socks...can you say Granny? It was just all kinds of funny. So, one night, I joined in and put the face mask on. We took a silly ghettolicious picture and created ghettolicious names to go with it. My name was La’Tanyoya “Tampa” O’Riley and Nicole’s name was Carlessa de la Quinta Zhou. It was just all to funny that now the picture is my lock screen picture.


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