Monday, July 15, 2013

Home Sweet Home !

Home sweet home!  Oh boy does it feel good to be home in my own bed. After four long days with our friends and mentors. Who would ever imagine Tampa, FL for a place to be? Well I guess  its what you make of every situation. Oh did we make the best of it by pranking our mentors. With my partners and crime liz and Claudia we were ready to take action. Since day one as we left Miami we were plotting our very first move. Restocking and reloading supplies every chance we get at different rest stops. Now were ready set and all geared up waiting for the mentor first move so the war can begin! On Wednesday, July 10 mid-afternoon while setting near the pool side at the hotel the mentor makes their move with us not knowing.  Later as we head us to our room one by one we figure that they pranked us. Our rooms smelled like rotten eggs, we had shaving cream in our shoes, and stuff animals went missing. This was officially the start of the prank war. Claudia prepared her stank bomb, Liz had a bucket of ice, and I took the baby powder  and we were ready to attack. Waiting for the first chance we get to make are move we just sit and wait. Early Thursday morning we manage to get her room key and attack! Claudia planted the stank bomb, I threw baby powder on her clothes and Liz put ice on her bed. Now few may wonder don’t housekeeping clean up the rooms in the morning? Well we took care of that problem by letting front desk know that housekeeping is not needed in her room. As the day go on we laugh and joke at our accomplishment.  As were half way through the day we make are way back to the hotel and wait for the reaction on her face. Mad, frustrated, angry at we had done we just sit in the room waiting to see what happen next. Will she get us back? Did we win the war? Will she get us back? What will her next move be? Unknowing of what’s next to happen we just sit in our room and wonder. Then we got a phone call that change are home game plan. There was damage to the room and we will billed and have to spit the bill between the three of us. We were billed, we couldn’t believe it. Was the damage to that bad? Well the next question that came to mind was “How much”? Well our question was soon to be answered when mike sat us down and gave us the news. The hotel damage was 1000 dollar. Jaw dropping with the news we talked things over and figured how it was going to going to get paid. Devastated with thee news we just decided to back down form the war. Soon to find out the billing was a joke and the war has yet to be continued. 

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