Friday, June 28, 2013

It was a Friday, if I remember correctly. I and a few others in the program visited the Everglades National
Park. We took a bus there and we, the seniors, usually sit with the juniors however, on this particular day
we sat with the freshmen! They were the most interesting bunch that had me so engaged into learning
their background that it made my head hurt…….ok by the heavy sarcasm you can tell I was lying; in
actuality only a select few would actually talk to me, while they were cool and all, the others were just
too hard of a nut to crack. On the other hand, we were at the Everglades National Park and it was pretty
“Naturey”. We walked through the everglades and we saw a lot of vegetation and Animal life which was
actually interesting. Now after we ate lunch we took another trail, with the most mosquitos in the world
by the way, and it was mainly trees and such.

On the trip I learned that in the Everglades there is actually only two seasons….wet and dry. As many
negative jokes popped into my head I kept it clean and listened to the ranger tell us more about this
swampy place while we waited for the bus. This is when the main event of the day happened; Felix came
onto the bus stating to not start a water war because of some ridiculous reason. Then out of nowhere
while it was all tranquil then, Felix tossed a nice heaping of H20 at the bus. We all got wet and although
we tried to put up a fight we noticed that no water was on our bus to retaliate with. So I, and the rest of
the people on the bus, went home wet and grumpy……..Felix I hope you are reading this……I will find
you…..and I will get revenge.

                                                                                                                                    -Raymond Pache

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